
Guys, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

While at dinner today, I chanced upon a philosophy. It arose when I was trying to defend my lousy memory. I said I can only remember things from the most recent on - it's like I erase the older ones that I think I don't need and then replace them with the newer information; this would explain why I have the memory of a headless chicken.

For this reason I've not really remembered the birthdays of friends and loved ones.

But then again, there's this section of my mind that I dedicate to remembering things that are very sentimental - the words people say to me, the things I've done, and many other seemingly frivolous emotional junk.

Those I'll never forget. The first words, the first time I felt something, everything people say that left an impression.

So here's my analogy - that our (mostly mine I guess) memory is like a progression of our drinking glasses.

When we are young, we're like those big glasses you can find at IKEA for $2.99 - you use them to hold everything - warm or cold, to the brim or just a sip; we're open to suggestions, and our minds willing take in anything we throw in. That's probably why we still remember the Gummybear song, or the Ghostbusters' Anthem.

And then when the midlife crisis strikes, we're progressively turning into wine glasses - holding less liquid, but whatever we chose to contain is far more refined that the rubbish those young kids pour in their IKEA glasses. To get more wine, we'll have to drink the existing ones - that's me and my replacement theory.

Here's an example of what IKEA glasses hold (explicit language warning).

Lastly, we move on to the fine chinese cups that we see in front of graves. They're elegant, but hold very little water. If you pour too much, everything will spill. Oh, and you'll only use them when you approach the cemetery.

So there you have it - my theory of memory and the drinking glass.


A colleague came up to me today and told me she liked my writing - "Pages". It was a love story about a guy and his lost love and how he hated the weatherman.

Come to think of it, it was my facebook that she read! But hey, thanks for liking it in the first place!

If you ever chance upon this page, here's something for you and all those who bother -

A butterfly's trail -
Swaying in the frozen winds,
Marks the start of Spring.

Bad Week

Been sick.

Tried cooking that mushroom stir-fry thing today at Abel's and it turned out a little worse than yesterdays, but I think I've got it down already. Next one's gonna be good.

Seafood at Cold Storage's a bummer - "The Fresh Food People" indeed... I've never had worst squid. Shrimp was flaky when cooked too. I'll be coming down with a tummy ache soon, I swear.

Played like 30 minutes of badminton today before giving up. Think we're gonna head to a proper indoor court next time. My crunches stopped at 85 today... the last 25 was murder. The flu really did me in... I didn't even run this week.

On the other hand, I sat down to a McDonald's lunch today and found my stomach wrenching from the oil. Might be a good response to unhealthy food.

Live a good life, exercise, eat right, live long - that's my mantra for now. No use having to much money when you're old and then spending it all on medicine and hospital stays.

And all that's under control; other variables of your life you have to leave to chance (some of you might call it fate), so all the best.

Come Again - MFlo


Words long forgotten,
To you I show my envy
At your recurrence.

What's new?

So you ask, with the sun in your face,
"What's new today? What lies in wait?"

So up you stand and away you'll be
Walking yourself down crowded streets.

So to work you go, to the big cluttered desk,
"Tomorrow I'll clean up this mess."

So and lunch comes before you know,
And you start to wonder why has time past so slow.

So fighting the food coma that comes around three
Not looking forward to the meeting in an hour to be.

So then comes five and then six arrives soon
You tense up while work continues to balloon.

"So much to do, and so little time!
Why can't the day end up to be fine?"

So lying in bed counting the hours left
"What's new today," all said in jest.

Loose Ends - Imogen Heap

That's it.

What's happiness like?

I'll let you know when I feel it.

Dinner's made by me tomorrow - Steamed Chicken, Sambal Kangkong, and Lotus Root Soup - nothing fancy, but it's great to be back in the kitchen again.

I wonder

The world moves as I stay still;
A moment passes like the others
That made their existence short
And meaningless, doppelgangers
Of the same instance.

Senses stay while you dance;
A butterfly against the winds of time.
Incomplete, I stray
And watch from the side
As you flutter by.

My Plans for 2009

My dude's gonna come home from the UK in June, and we're going shopping!

We've been bros since primary school and I must say we've been out of touch since the whole having a girlfriend issue. Now that that's out of the way, I guess the least I could do is let him buy me a few shirts.

Then come September, we're going to Korea to do more shopping!

But till then, I'll just have to shop in Singapore. Took a look at some online shopping sites and damn we're missing out.

"Dude, I love your shirt."

"Yeah, and I hate yours."

Can't wait.

Ave Maria - Andain


I still remember the words.

"I can't help but think you would've done the same for her."

Well, she's right, and I have done much more.

On another note, it's been more than a month. Feels slower and slower each day.

In my eyes

Bits of the ceiling fall to the floor, crumbling into dust at my feet. I shuffle the fragments all around trying to find reason for my action, but it's all microscopic. Through the smoke I see him trembling in the corner where I left him, his fat ugly silhouette refusing to run away as I moved towards him, readying the shotgun with a resounding click.

He shifts his weight back; it takes some time coz there's a lot to move but he does it eventually and manages to carve a corner out of the rubbish that he's collected over the years - the same years he left me and the family lost and starving in the streets, begging for scraps and eating cardboard for warmth.

Cupboard surrounds him. I make him eat some of it to see if it tasted better in an expensive house. Fragments of brown snow drift across the room, his teeth chattering trying to chew on the boxes.


And one day he came by, asking mum if she wanted to make him some money for all the gifts he bought her. I remember the things he gave her - two useless children, a whole truck load of bad luck, a huge mortgage payment, and the ugliest husband in the world. He gave shit to her every day, and yet he came back, taking her with him and turning into the street with bright neon lights.

The snow turned white, and sharp. The chandelier above sang the overture to his fate as it crashed down in between him and me. He pushed some boxes my way to worm further into the corner. I kicked some glass his way, wondering if he'd eat them if I pointed the gun at his balls long enough.

Turns out he will.


He was crying now, like the way me and my sister used to cry. He hated children; my friends always got toys and candy from their dads. I got to clean out his used condoms and dirty magazines before buying breakfast for him and the broads he'd bring back, using money stolen from mum.

He hated children. I made sure he'd never have em again.


And as he screamed out in agony the names of my dead mother and sister, I screamed back with all the tenacity I could muster, vent up from all the years of searching and wandering from city to city asking about the man I hate most - the one person I didn't want to see ever again but yet have to because I needed to tell him one thing.

"You got her name wrong."


It continues

I'm finding it harder and harder to find myself in the decisions I make.

Some help here?


Things aren't going well for me now, but I guess it'll turn around soon.

Just need to calm myself and think.

Smiling helps too.


My favorite Disney Movie

Beauty & the Beast - Beauty & the Beast

Beauty And The Beast - Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
And ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Whoa, whoa, oh, whoa-oh

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Oh, oh, oh

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
(Certain as the sun)
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast


It was dark out. The rain had pelted the city with icy needles and a sliver bedpan formed over the streets. From up above, the landscape 's like diamonds on a black velvet cloth, shimmering as frozen gusts of wind swept through the. People with umbrellas scurry around in a hurry to get home before the big one came; it's surprising they knew to anticipate. Up high two stars fell from the horizon.

That was us, and we sure weren't dancing - far from it actually.

"Don't you see? This is what we're meant to be!"

There was no turning back for me - I knew this was the moment. As I looked into her perfect eyes, the same ones I fell in love with so many years ago, I could see our future. We go way back - to when we were both innocent little school children who didn't know what the real world would be like. She was the most popular girl in campus, and I was guy who sat behind her looking. Things got a little weird after we became special. I decided to tell her how I feel and she high-tailed it to the clouds. I couldn't fly then, and I've never known where she flew off to and I didn't ask.

Years after her disappearance my own powers manifested, and I began to search for her more intensively. I wasn't going to let this chance slip by. I can still remember that day where she told me she liked me.

She liked me.

Time without her was a living hell. All day I was saving the lives of people I didn't know - suddenly elevated to the status of a savior simply because they say I am. There was no goodness in the pity I showed them. There was only hope - hope that all the meaningless and uneventful incidents will bring me closer to the public eye - to her eyes - and that I could once again tell her how much she means to me.

One day I snapped, and I flew away from the people who needed me.

I could go on and on with the memories, but I decided to make them come true; soaring through the clouds was a new experience for me, and it was really hard to control at first. I remember when she flew away from me - seemed like a piece of cake to her, but she's always been smarter than I am. All the time I went into the test room and came out with the best score, she'd just walk in and trump my ego.

And I loved her for that - all the strength, but yet there's very much the sensitive and loveble side of her - even more so than the powers we had.

Her voice was clear through the blasting gales, "It's just not possible! We're both living different lives now!"

What she said reminded me of a more recent past. We've had arguments like this before, and they all ended up in the same way - she said there could be something going for us, and I said something to goof it all up. I like to think of myself as the strong silent type - the perfect euphemism for someone who can't start a conversation to save his life.

I had a comeback for what she said. I've been rehearsing it for three years now, "I'm not going to let this happen!"

That was met with more discussions of how it was and how it can't be. We've been through this so many times I guess it must seem impossible by now.

Suddenly she stopped flying and stood there, her silhouette cast down into the city below by the light of the full moon. I've never noticed but the clouds have cleared and the stars have come out blaring, jealous of the attention I've been giving her.

I continued to ignore the stars, staring deeply into her eyes as her hair brushed against her cheeks. The winds hushed and I could hear her breathing become heavier. For all my years of searching have not prepared me for this moment, where she would stop running and instead wait for something to happen.

"So what now?"

I moved in closer, my eyes on hers the whole time. I'm winging it, and I'm dead sure I can't make a mistake. All the years of searching - following news report after news report of a superheroine from city to city - have paid off. She now stands infront of me - patient, watching, and waiting.

"I'm not going to screw this up," I told her as I took her into my arms. We hug for the first time, and it felt good.

As as I drew her close the stars dimmed.

"Please don't. I'm tired of running."

Always to the one before

When I was a kid, back ages ago where going to school meant having to leave my place before the sun came up, I'd always have the same routine every morning. The radio would be blaring when I got up coz my dad wakes up at like 5am to prepare for work. I always knew he was a slow poke, but he'd make breakfast for me and all so I guess it's a good thing.

Then comes to shower and the changing and the packing of bags. I've never been a tidy person until now, and it used to take me forever to put everything I needed in to the bag. Well, actually I took more time finding the stuff to put in.

After that I'll head to the kitchen and the blaring radio. By this time dad would've already left the house but he'll always leave breakfast behind for me. It'd be a cup of milo and then some food. I eat up.

So I'd leave the house and walk to the bus stop. The one that sent me to school was always crowded with kids from my school so I like to walk to the one before. I liked to walk and that way I get a seat on the bus to school too so it's win-win.

And at the bus stop there'd be this old man, always sitting in the same seat looking out at the road as if he's expecting his bus to come soon. Sometimes he'd look back and see me staring at him coz I realized he's always in the same clothes and stuff.

I think he slept there coz he's always there when I arrive, and when the bus came he continued to sit and stare.

One day he looked at me and smiled. I wanted to run back to the next bus stop because he scared me. Then he asked me if I was going to school. I asked him back, "why are you always here?"

His reply to me was that he's waiting for the bus. I said he never boarded the bus when it came but he just smiled and went back to looking at the sky.

He disappeared some time during my primary 4 years, but somehow I'll still look out for him when I walk to the bus stop, but I've never been able to meet him since.

I guess he caught his bus.

More songs I love

This is Imogen Heap of Frou Frou.

Its Good to Be in Love - Frou Frou

A smile

I still can't forget.

And I felt like a puppy the pet store that got chosen to be taken home.

It was really late at night, and we talked.

The Longest Flight

"So what, you're just gonna go?"

Long pause. Nothing said; the world screams a bitter silence sundae topped off with whipped cream and a bright red cherry. Chocolate rice is thrown on for extra effect, but there's no way I'm turned on by that dessert.

"Say something!"

She moved across the room with precision ease - it's like she knew what to get next, where to put them so she can get in and out in the quickest time. It's like she's been planning this for months. It's like I've been in the dark for years.

I took her hands and turned her around. She let out a gasp and the things she was holding dropped like rain into my desert -welcomed; hoped for; the best reality. I searched for her eyes but she kept her attention to the items on the floor.

Soon things were flying around - words included. We were each trying to explain the situation to the other, and I've always been a firm believer of loudest gets heard.

"Who gave you the right to make that decision?! You could've asked me first! What the hell am I supposed to do when you're gone?"

I won. She caved and stopped picking things up. Knees hit the floor and her hands followed as she caught her head. It's been laden with so much thought for so long, and I've neglected to notice that she must be feeling as bad as I am about what's happened.

There was a picture of us on the floor. It dropped when I threw it off the table. I picked it up - it was us two years ago in Egypt. I've been bugging her to go with me for awhile and she finally relented. We lost our bags on the way back, but we took home some Egyptian sand in our sandals as souvenirs. They're in a bottle right next to the picture, on the floor, on the bed, all over the god damn room.

Something hit me, and I followed her to the floor, passing her the picture and my pride.


"I know," she said finally looking at me, "I love you too."

I heard those words one more time as I waved goodbye at the airport. It's going to be three years before she comes back, but I know that anyone who'd want to sweat it out with me under the Cairo sun is definitely a keeper. I've already bought a ticket to visit her next month - planning a big surprise for my baby doll.

Because nothing's too troublesome for her, and half way around the world's a good place to go to find love.

A Night in the Falling Rain

Awake we sleep, and fallen into hope;
in unliving and living's context we grope
wanting the morrow like yesterday's wishes seem;
a tail after the head, we chase our fruitless dreams.
Dusty nightmares as fallen angels haunt;
needless but true?
Not lest we see, not till we knew
smiles of the faceless whose knowledge they flaunt
Of reality's missing daunt; kissing daggers as fearless swordsmen's songs
singing of blood and glory in a single dance of beauty and death -
unsightly a barren peasant's sheathe, but efficient
as nameless sins sink deep.
What comes? In endless travels into drawings made of last sunshine's reach?
A locket, sealed with keys thrown in oceans deep where wandering wishes cannot siege.
In lifeless mornings a single insect doth stutter, slowly in the same unchanging path -
one always taken with no excitement; a story where known is the second half.

I just do

I remember the first time I said "I love you."

And I think it's the one question I find it hard to answer.

Must there be a reason to love?

Can't it just feel right?

The harder we try to find reasons for it, the more difficult it is. It's like someone up there made us this way - to fall into the deepest, most wonderful love - without reason; without regret; without wondering.

Because it happens, and no matter how hard I try I can't describe the way I feel.

Maybe I can.


Like home.

This feeling so familiar;
Rain on streets outside, and
Leaves shivering to the symphony
Of cold, heartless drops from the sky.

Much closer, the beating slows
As my mind wonders far and away,
Into the same place it likes to go -
So far, yet nowhere near, and yes, I'm home still.

Movement comes easy with
The overture that plays
As fingers drum casually on the tabletop
To the same jazzy tune.

All so familiar, all too soon,
I retrieve my memories of a future from the past,
Taken into truth by hope and dreams,
And tossed into my imaginary tomorrow.

On the 18th, I wrote 2 Haikus

Winds sweep up the calm,
The sky a somber yellow
As it starts to rain.

Meaning finds itself
As words form the imagery

Out with the girls from work

Tomorrow is dinner with the girls at CF.

Can't wait. It's been so long since I've seen them (actually like 3 weeks?) and I'm beginning to wonder why I could leave em in the first place.

We'll be having frog's leg porridge at Geylang; been meaning to try that for some time now.

But first, there's an 8.30am meeting that I have to attend and being up so late isn't gonna help things.

To bed I go, and to the stars I smile.

That's right, right back at ya.