
I enjoy the good conversation. If you manage to catch me in one I can be quite hard to shut up.

I've had two particularly nice ones today - one from a long friend who's in the UK right now (hope you feel better soon Uma!), and one with a very nice hottie from work (your chocolate's coming soon!).

Unfortunately, I do not share the same social aspirations as most, and I find keeping quiet so much more attractive an option.

The Joint Account

It's so scary I'm giving it a proper title, caps and all.

I guess it's a part of being together, or the preparation to be. For a good cause, yes, but as my darling sister put it - a small money box would also do.

Was on the bus today, passing by town and I saw the building, tall and alone in the empty sky, its red logo shining like a beacon of hope. It hit me then, that this could very well be the last time I make this decision. There was a questions I wanted to ask but for many years I've known the answer.

It may turn out another way, but chances are I'll never know coz I won't get a chance to ask.

Red and Shiny followed me throughout the winding curves of Orchard Road. There's a lot of people and even more cars. How I wish they'd all carpool and stop killing the environment. And stop honking the damn horns. You've already got 4 wheels how much faster do you want to go?

The guy next to me's sleeping, and he's leaning on me. The bus hits a bump and I toss him over to the other side and he wakes up. Sometimes people just need a little prod I guess.


There's something magical about the song, how it paints a nice picture of a dark blue sky, and a man facing them baring his very soul.

I hope you comprehend.

A start

My last relationship ended on a low note, and I thought I'd never want to start another one again.

There are many reasons I give for being an emotional slob, too many to state here. From fleeting about the same old excuses to keeping dreams in check, I've never thought I'd want to say that I'm gonna give this whole love thing another go.

Finger's crossed, and here we go. If this ain't meant to be, please give me a sign... I've been waiting for one for oh so long.

A night in chinese

For those who don't know me that well, I actually speak mandarin quite well (not as horrid as you might think I would anyway).

But I only speak it to selected people. I guess it comes with being comfortable around them.

Tracy is one such person. She hails from the CF brand of colleagues. It's amazing how we still keep in contact.

CF was fun. It was one of those offices I would really look forward to every morning. Not for the work of course, but for the people. They were a really fun bunch, and I ended up really missing them when I left.

Anyway, the night started off in Chinatown, where I was fashionably late for our night's out. She's been raving about this restaurant for awhile so we took the crow's path.

A lot of wasted food later we left and made for Chinatown. Anyone who's gotten to know me a little would know I have this emotional connection to the place. So I couldn't resist taking a walk there with this dear friend.

She hates walking by the way. :)

I decided to buy some bak kwa for the other gals in the office and we made for the famous one across the street. Sidetracked by the air conditioning, then by OG where Tracy wanted to get some toys for her boy back in Malaysia.

But we got it in the end, and then went for coffee (another long walk).

Then the talking began - about the old office, about the new people in the old office, about the new things the new people in the old office did, about the girl she wants to introduce me, about insurance, about young people nowadays, about married life, about me, about her, about everything else.

You know I'm in a really good mood when I rattle on like a highschool girl.

Time with Tracy's always nice, so I've learnt to make the best of it (that usually means more walking).

Paid my bills (she fainted), then went to the bank (I fainted), then the cab ride home.

I asked her to move to Sembawang so we can be neighbors and she asked me to move to Simei so we can be neighbors.

Funny thing was, it was all in mandarin.

wo de hua yu hai zhen de mei you na me cha ma!

A large red stone...


Philip sat across the table, his hands flailing about in the jazz-filled air conditioning.

"But isn't that your dream?"

Twenty minutes later he got the gist of what I wanted to say. The arms are down but you could still tell he's quite worried about my decision. It's like a small boy told him he didn't like candy.

It's been so long, and finally I got the resolve to let it all go. I just hope I stick to my decision this time.

Knowing your limits

The weekend has been a queer one.

Saturday's highlight was a nice night's supper with my bro after a rather infuriating afternoon. I feel fat, but who cares as long as I'm having a good time.

Sunday was a visit to one of my chiropractors' place to pass on a little knowledge on the stock exchange. Dinner followed and I was then annoyed by this old man on the bus.

I realized that I get really really high-strung when other people try to force their ideals on me. My first reaction is to get really defensive, after which I simply stop talking.

I myself would do much to heed my own advise: "not everyone wants to do the things you do."

Shining Eyes

These are the kinds that tell you stories, the kinds that make you want to stop and just stare deep into them and wander off into a dream.

And in that dream you're alone, sitting on clouds and looking down at the world below, not caring if you should plummet down to your doom. You're just contented with sitting and staring, watching the world go by.

They leave you wanting. Each time you look at another pair you tell yourself there's nothing as good as the shiny ones. Like diamonds in the midnight sky they sparkle.

But those eyes are rare, so hard to come by, and so easy to lose.


Today I went out with Abel and Adrian and forgot about the dinner I had at home. Also forgot to about the phone call I should make to my mum to let her know I'd be back late. Also turns out that my mobile chose to run out of juice on me.

So I ended up with 15 miss calls and a lot of smses from the family.

I was very touched. I went home and found my mum sleeping on the couch waiting for me, ready to smack my head silly. It reminded me of the time I went to Indonesia unannounced and was gone for a good week.

The lesson learnt?

There is always someone thinking of you, no matter how lonely you are, or how down in the dumps you feel... Just close your eyes and ask yourself who.

Don't make them think about you in vain, for it is the worst feeling in the world to anticipate and not receive. I've been guilty of not realizing, and am also the recipient of such treatment at times, and both ways it's not funny.

So let us close our eyes and visualize the faces of the people who would be thinking of us now. Take those faces, and place them in a nice place in our hearts, for we know that we are in theirs.

With Moon River playing

This is the opening scene of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

In the span of a little more than 2 minutes, Audrey Hepburn shows you the one single place in a woman' heart where nothing can go wrong.

A Change

I've decided to semi-move into the sister's apartment.

I guess it's a whole lot less lonely at home when you're got an animal and two other people to talk to. This means I'll have to shuttle in between the two homes so I can keep the parents company as well, but it's a quick fix to the 'being alone at home' problem that has recently resurfaced.

Don't we all hate being a dependant pain-in-the-ass?

I thought I got rid of that feeling a long long time ago.

But well, here's the panacea.

When shopping just won't do

Ever missed someone before?

It is a horrible feeling, yet also the best kind.

Spring flowers sit
Smiling from the morning's touch
Waiting for the rain.

And like all haiku there is a story to it. Maybe one day I can tell this tale of missing and hoping. I was crafting it a little as the sunshine shown through the window and touched my face this morning. Oh how I wish.

Still is the morning
When sun and rain and clouds meet
With much left undone.

The dog was lying down somewhere in the room because I felt something moving towards the door. She sat there, looking at me, but all I could do was remain lying in bed, enjoying the sun in my face.

I think the same things I've been thinking, and how they keep bringing me back to the same place I've always been. Deplorable situation really.

Fingers tapping slow
On the wooden tabletop
From morning to night.

But here I am nonetheless, missing.

The Family

The groom's eyes are closed, so I'll try to get the pro's shots in as soon as possible.

To My Brudder, I'm Sorry.

August 2005, I received a phone call at the office informing me that someone from my previous camp had committed suicide.

The man on the phone was 2nd LTA Lee Ting Hong, Assistant Ops Officer for HQARMCEG, and the dead personnel was 3rd Sergent Adrien Seow. He had thrown himself off a building the night before and was found dead in the morning.

I had him on msn the previous night, and all he could say was "hiak hiak".

Ting Hong was a good friend of ours back in HQARMCEG. I had been transferred out to another department and haven't been in touch. When the call came after the night's msn message I was kinda expecting it.

There wasn't much to say - I asked the standard questions:




I knew the answers to all the questions, and I could tell that Ting Hong wanted me to tell him that I'd rush right down to the funeral and say my goodbyes.

But I didn't. At that moment in time all I could think about was how Adrien broke our promise to each other.

I'm not a likable person. I've been told I get too cocky too quickly, and that there's an arrogance that pisses people off. There was a very bad vibe when I got posted to HQARMCEG, and I could tell instantly I wasn't going to make a lot of friend there.

But there he was, ready do initiate me into the friendly side of things. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for me, and we got close really quickly.

We belonged to the Ops room (well he did... I got included since we hung around so much), and there were a few more people he introduced me to - Samuel, the clerk; Ting Hong, the 2nd LTA; and Gilbert, the outgoing 1st LTA. We fooled around and became kings of our little blind kingdom.

Then Samuel went and killed himself in August 2004. Some say it was because of money, Adrien thinks it's coz of the girl. She was at his funeral and he didn't look very pleased. We went to Samuel's wake and I gave him a good long look.

"Goodbye," was all I could muster, but it's still more than what I gave Adrien.

After the wake he made me take a promise - that we wouldn't kill ourselves because of a girl. We've been telling each other our girl troubles (funny how all army guys got em), and I thought it would be a good thing to do - like a pact or something. That way when something went wrong I would always know beforehand and I could do something about it.

So the promise was made, and I went off to another unit. I could tell that he didn't want me to go, but he gave me his blessings anyway because it would be a lot better for me at the new posting.

That night on msn, he must have wanted to tell me he was going to break the pact. If I had asked on I'd be able to do something about it.

I was selfish bro, and I'm sorry. All this time I've been more concerned about getting my problems heard than to care more about yours. If there's anything I could change about my life, I'll go back then and get you out of the darkness somehow.

Nothing beats the love of someone who cares about you, and I got that love from Adrien. He cared for me as a brudder and a friend. The best I could do is to reciprocate.

Now, so many years later, I look back as I often do, and tell myself that I could've done more.

My birthday is almost here. I celebrated it with him once - we went for dinner.

Life isn't the same without you bro. The time we spent had been too short; you were gone too soon.

When I die and go to heaven, I promise I'll look you up.

Till then keep waiting. I'll be sure to pray for you.

a wish, and more

The lovely Ms Hepburn, ladies and gents.

The Sister's Wedding, Part Two

I got up at 6.45am and proceeded to get myself washed and cleaned and nice-smelling in anticipation for the big day.

The rest of the family has already been awake a few hours - my mum's more excited than my sister. Wait till you see my big day...

This here an abstract from my sister's blog:

"All the anxiety, all the preparations, all the stress. I wish it was tmr already."

Atta girl.

So the friends arrive, and they start chattering in the high-pitched noises that women make at weddings.

Then the relatives arrive and start chattering in the 'I'll-shout-in-your-face-because-I-know-you're-right-next-to-me' noises that relatives make at all damn occasions.

I just realized I had to pack ang baos. I got two ang baos.

The groom's damn early and wants to come up. My mum told him to wait because not all the relatives are here yet but he's here anyway.

I hear the noise at the door from my room, to which I've been banished for the good part of the morning because I'm the elder brother and needs to hide out in my room in embarrassment because I am ashamed of not getting married before she has.

Oh the guilt.

They're singing now, but I didn't see them prepare the customary wedding goodies for the groom and his mates so they're getting off easy. Good. Last thing I want my sister to do is get married to a pissed off groom.

So here I am, waiting for my big entrance. The stage is set for my baby sister's wedding, and I've lived to see it all.

Soak it all in, because this is fantastic.

A nice chat

Good company is nice to find, and when you do it's that feeling that you walk away with that makes it all worthwhile.

It's like you forgot all your worries, and all you can do is smile and be extremely hopeful.

I like smiling. A taxi driver told me I have a good one.

Thanks a bunch Serene.

The Sister's Wedding

I'm happy for them.

Their is a really envious relationship - one where you can't help but look and smile at. Many times I wish I had something even remotely close to theirs.

Will get to work on that one, but for now, here's congratulations to my lil sis and her husband. May my life be but half as blissful.

I wonder how life would play out after marriage. There's so much preparation but then I think it's just another adventure for the couple. I'm not the best person to go to for relationship advise, but I guess it's something good to look forward to.

I also kinda know that I'll probably be better at the husband thing than the boyfriend thing. Don't ask why, but it's a hunch.

Transformers? What Transformers?!

Not for minors.

Esquire's my kind of read, and of late they've been putting females on their cover and reducing their content by 1/3 as a result.

Works in my account. Who the hell needs to read so much anyway.

Click to see what I mean.

Gotta love the music. Chris Cornell everyone, from the Scream album.

Reasons for being happy

Today is yet another day in the series of days that has he in a good mood.

Let's start with the morning - I got up late, and had to take a cab to work for the third consecutive day running. Nothing to be happy about.

So I got on the cab feeling really grumpy and ready for a nice nap to start the working day. I remember the toilet cubicle sleeping episodes I've heard from a few friends and didn't want to give that a try.

So the driver decided to chat me up. Return of the grumps.

Apparently he's seen me before. He told me he remembers me because I smile really nicely. That and I'm tall.

He's gay, but who cares. What a way to start the day!

So the rest of the good stuff came at work. As I probably would have mentioned before I work with a bunch of gorgeous ladies. Today we had a birthday celebration for yours truly and two more July babies.

This here's the card they gave me. Did I ever mention that I loved them to bits? Thanks for the wishes babes!

Lunch came, there was a slight headache. Had a meeting, more work, headache went off.

We had cake! And Swenson's ice cream cones! And I got a tub of haagen dazs all to meself!

Nice way to end the week huh? Tomorrow I'm meeting Abel for dinner at Aston's Prime. Angus Ribeye, here I come!

P.S. Just noticed my entries getting very girly. Will revert back to moody grumps writing as soon as I stop being so darn happy.

I like.

Some Song from Gladiator - Eerie Girl Singing

Of love and hate.

So the nights goes and I'm still trying to find someone to go in place of Philip to my sister's wedding. I tried my luck on a friend yesterday (actually a lot of friends) but no go.

So I asked Philip out (the other Philip). I've not seen him for ages and it seemed like a good thing to do seeing how I've already run out of friends to ask.

So he said no. His boy Joseph has a choir thing that night and he needed to be there. Tough luck.

I asked him out for dinner instead. Because I owe this man more than anything in the world for straightening my life out when I needed help the most. It's this dark episode where a man goes through the lowest of his low, and nothing seems to work out. There he was, like the best friends should be, reaching out and pulling me up from the slum.

Yes, he helped me fix my Transformers.

So we went for dinner with his two boys - Joseph and John. Swenson's was the word (I ask them what they want for dinner every time we meet, and they'll say dunno. Then we walk for a little and without fail they'll utter the magic eating place word).

They had chicken, and I had fish. I wanted the chicken more so I traded my fish with their chicken cept I had no more fish and they still had chicken. Oh the sin. I'll get fat for this.

I told Philip what's been going on in my life and he wanted to kill me for it. Then I made up for it by buying dinner. The kids got $5 to go to the arcade with and that usually knocks them out for the rest of the night. Oh how I spoil them.

So Philip and I got a little alone time. He was devastated over the loss of a very good friend. He had cancer and was just 23. Also was informed that another one of my pals didn't show at the good friend's funeral just because his ex would be there. The bitch.

Oh, how much we all suffer for love. My next relationship will give me loads to smile about - otherwise there's no point getting anywhere there anyway. I've lost so much time and effort with the last one so I'm gonna be really picky this time.

Sidetracking a little, my wonderful colleagues have been real darlings (in case you didn't know I happen to share my workplace with several gorgeous ladies) and I've had a few ask if I would be interested in knowing friends of theirs.

They must not value their friendships a lot. I'm an embarrassment in dates. I have several girls you can call for outstanding testimonials.

But back to the story.

Of love, I know little of. I have to admit I'm very old school when it comes to matters of the heart. I'm more likely to rehearse a single line a thousand times in my mind and then screw up the delivery. That, plus the line's not really gonna be good anyway and would most probably be misconstrued.

Lots to learn in that department, but casanova I'm not. Someone said I was wholesome (LOVE the curls). Good husband? Maybe, but noone's gonna want me as a boyfriend.

And of hate, there is nothing more genuiely overenacted than the curtain call of self-loathe. I bought a bag today. A nice bag, but a bag nonetheless. I wanted to buy two! And how's that for the great 6-month plan? That, and I can't help but want to pamper the two children. I'm like their favorite uncle - every trip out with me means a nice dinner and fun afterwards.

If I ever manage to get children (poor suffering girl who's going to be my wife be warned) they will be fat. Fat and pampered. Fat and pampered and very well loved. Especially if she's a girl.

There is this age-old story that starts like this - if your wife and your child were both drowning, who'd you save?

I'd save the wife. Nuff said.