By default

Last night I had a dream. That dream was so good that when it was time to wake, I refused and went back to sleep instead, just so I could make the dream last a little longer.

So I fell back into slumber, and the nice dream continued. It's not often that you're able to pick a dream up after you've awoken. It has to be a good dream for you to remember that much.

It was a good dream, of something that could not have happened. Or rather I could not have seen it happen yet.

Maybe it's a part if a series of dreams? I do hope so.

It made me smile.

And a few minutes later, someone said hello in real life, and it made me want to dream further.

Silly, but true, this is my Thursday.

Pat Pat

It's great to make a person smile, especially if you really give it your all.

Sleep tight then, and to all a wonderful tomorrow!

Meet Joe Pumpkin




It is a day like most days, honest and unfascinating, but only to those who lived it.

But to the few that were here, even the light shifting of gravel beneath our feet brougt a smile to our hearts.

While the sun shone down, we hid. While the cool wind, we shut our eyes. While the People passed by, we we walked on.

Such a fine day, though meaningless to many, was good enough for me.