
Sometimes, don't you just wish people would say it like it is instead of making you guess or put you through some test?

I do. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Wouldn't it be nice? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


So I drop, and with my descent
Comes waves and waves of mis-intent
Honored by the shaken few
As ill-misfortune that I slew.

Taken back and rather stirred
Their sickened tongue towards me slurred
Unkind words that made no sense
To one they'd hope would make amends?

And here I am, resultant still
Feeling waves that make me chill
For all the bad things I have done
When all I did was pack and run.

When no means no

And Alice stepped through the looking glass once again, full expecting to reunite with her friends in Wonderland.

The first step was easy, and she dived headfirst into the nostalgic tunnels. Down and down and down she went, plummeting through the familiar darkness.

"Soon," she counted, and sure enough she landed with a thump in the upside-down room. Thump again, she was on her feet as she fixed herself back upright.

The table stood in the middle of the room, and the doors all around. She smiled, and got to drinking the magic potion.

She winced. The water never tasted nice, and she remembers how she only shrunk to half the normal amount because she spat some out one time.

Soon she felt the familiar tingling down her spine as the potion took effect. Her head felt heavier as she look down and saw her feet come closer and closer.

"Wonderland, here I come!" the little girl exclaimed.

But this time Alice did not grow smaller. As she fell limp to the ground, she let go of the key she'd use to unlock the door. With her last breath, she heard the metallic ringing of the fallen key echo in her head.

And with each ring she would see a picture of her time beyond the looking glass - pure, ageless, with naught a sense of pretense.

Wonderland. Through the looking glass, down the winding tunnels, and out the impossible door. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


This is a story from a book I never thought I'd read:

A man and his girlfriend was walking along the road, when they heard a sound in the distance from the bushes.

"Quack Quack!"

The girl looked towards the sound and said, "It's a chicken."

The man, caught surprised, replied, "It's a duck, honey."

"No, it's a chicken," his girlfriend insisted.

"Quack Quack!"

"Listen! That's a duck! Chickens go cluck cluck!" explained the man.

"But it's a chicken," said the girl once more, her brows frowning this time.

This made the man lose his temper, and he stopped walking, let go of her hand, turned around and looked her in the eye.

"That is obviously a duck! D-U-C-K!" he raised his voice.

To which the girl cried, and the man finally knew that he was wrong.

Weirded out

I had a dream last night. It was about work.

Someone kill me. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Of being pointless

I played badminton with my bro's kid today. It was thrown around as an idea last week and I really didn't think he'd be up to it.

But he was and we had a nice morning teaching him proper strokes and how to breathe.

I told him that if he didn't breathe properly during the game he could die of cardiac arrest, and then got him to take three deep breaths in and out before he could play on.

That, and to drink his water in tiny sips.

I had a lunch appointment next, and we got into a cab so I could drop him off to Bishan. I told him to sit up straight and to put down his mobile phone when I'm talking to him.

"I'm playing soccer," he told me, to which I said that I don't care.

This kid is special because my bro says he is, and since I tend not to argue with him coz he's downright stubborn, I try my best to nurture him when I can.

That can sometimes involve using the whole "dangling a carrot" routine.

So if he manages to pass his final exams with 2 A's and no fails, I'll buy him a psp.

But of late he's been telling me that he sucks at this and sucks at that.

So I'm giving him remedial lessons every week now.

I hope he doesn't mess up my house.

So lunch came and it was Thai food with an old colleague. I've actually recommended this Thai restaurant to someone a week back but since it's quite a way where she live I guess it'll be awhile before I can sit her down here.

Back to the story, my friend got a new house near his workplace. His kid's going to school down the road, and he's starting to pool resources into currency trading.

He also gave me some good advice I intend to try out soon.

Halfway through the meal he got a call from his son.

"Did you have lunch?"


"Oh you had fish!"

"That means you had lunch then!"

I may not look like it, but I like kids. This day's interaction made me wonder what mine will be like, and how I'm going to treat them.

So lunch ended I took a bus home, and then my heart started to miss.

But enough questions. I have a bollywood movie to watch at home, and secondary school math to relearn.

Right now

Two breaths in, and one out -
Like a bat, gracefully blind
And dancing in the night.

Darting left and right, my gaze
Losing focus, capturing hopelessly
The pictures from all dimensions.

Curled are my lips, fixated
On reaching the stars,
To join my bewildered heart. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

He lives in phases

Endless is the wait as you step near the edge.

There you stand, in-between and nowhere. The world pauses while moving quickly; the noises clear while your own voice rings loud; the air stills while the ambience tingles.

And as you close your eyes, you start to see, moving beyond the blur of standing still but yet not going anywhere.

There you stand. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Some things just make your heart skip a beat, and after that intense moment, it plays catch-up by pounding your chest out.BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


There are things in your life that you won't forget - the first time you found a wallet; that smack on your face delivered by your teacher for talking in class; the time you cut off your long hair.

They are fresh in our minds, no matter how busy we are or how much we think we've changed. From the time they happen, they replay in our minds - resonating ever so often until they etch a permanent place in our memories.

They may be good things, they may be bad, but what I know is that they are mine. More unwilling than selective, but these memories are mine to keep.

And I write them, that you would see this and remember what I hold treasured. It's not amazing that I remember, for the wonder lies in the person and things that give them meaning to me.

And ever so often, I think about them. And ever so true, they still stop my heart.

So breathe in, and take in the wonder.