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I sat down to breakfast at Starbucks, deprived of coffee for the last few days because of the flu bug. Those who know me enough will remember my drink, but this time it was a decaf, and the devil chocolate cake is replaced with a nice Old Fashion Chocolate - a warm lava cake disguised as a doughnut.

The Starbucks at Yishun has also since changed it's unit, relocating from it's ideal second storey space facing the main road to a noisy corner right up the escalator. Sure it's 24 hours and the human traffic's heavy, but there's no replacing the ambiance brought by a second-storey balcony view yes?

And it all felt familiar - the way the coffee smells (mostly heavenly, but slightly trashy ever since I discovered Highlander Coffee Academy), the sound of the barista slamming the hammer down to empty the pressed beans, the nostalgic thump of my cup hitting the wooden table.

I guess it's like riding a bike. So many years and still I remember.

What a way to end the year.

The beauty of it all

You can't choose who you fall in love with.

It may be the simplest thing in the world to some, but the hardest goal for others; it is the most blessed situation for all, but also the biggest obstacle to happiness to many; it is always there, though never in your power.

So hold me, for what lies beyond is a little later on.

Comedy of Now, in a rethoric of two day's work insanely structured as a potential to move beyond the ordinary.

Oh what I've give,
For a peaceful night's sleep -
With nothing on my mind!

Throughout the week
I'm reduced to a heap
Of [someone help me please]

But then I realized
As 2 am drew near,
That today is but Tuesday!

And tomorrow will come
As I've always feared,
With nothing to look forward to.

[This is getting nowhere.]

Have I lost the will,
Or the reason to rhyme?
Or am I just incomplete?

But then I am sure
I will make full recovery
Once I get some bloody good sleep.



For all that I could do right now (sleep, mostly), what I really crave for is a listening ear from a dear friend who once helped me through a tough time in my life.

He is away in Malaysia now, and I hope I get to see him before long.

I think I shall get him a nicer Christmas present this year. The boxes of Ferrero Rocher are getting a little predictable... five years in a row and counting.

Lovin' the new grill pan

Here's what I made tonight for dinner -

Grilled Red Snapper (about 150g each here)

Let's start with the marinate - 2 tablespoons of melted butter goes into a mixing bowl with one chopped shallot, a dash of EVOO, 2 crushed cloves of garlic, juice and zest from half a lemon, sprinkle of pepper and chopped thyme leaves, and a pinch of salt to taste.

Once that's done you mix it around and then add to the wash, de-boned and de-scaled fillets of snapper. Set aside for 45 minutes.

When it's time to cook, fire up the grill to medium heat and drop it in skin side first for about 5 minutes of until the lower half starts to cook. Turn and finish up till the meat flakes when pressured.

Paprika Prawns (I used about 9 big ones here)

I realized that it's all about the marinate when it comes to grilling. Not much to do except watch it cook, so the marinate is key. Here's the one for the couple of tiger prawns I got. Be sure to devein the prawns and cut a nice slit along their spine to make the marinate sink in more.

You'll want a medium-sized shallot diced up along with a moderate amount of chopped garlic (about 2-3 cloves). Toss in about 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and about 1 tablespoon of paprika. Mix in the juice of about half a lemon and last but not least chop up two chili padis and toss them in with the prawns. Mix.

Fire up the grill to medium heat and toss in till both sides are cooked with that nice charred look that we all love.

Garlic and Herb Potatoes

This is easy. And everyone loves potatoes. I used about 2 Russets for this one. Clean and scrub them potatoes and put them through the boiling salted water treatment for about 15 minutes or till they go soft (we need them cooked for the grill). Cool and wedge them.

Crush up 5 cloves of garlic and put them through a dry pan to roast them. About 10 minutes in medium heat will do. Extract and chop them up very finely. Commit this to about 3 tablespoons of olive oil and mix it with the potatoes.

Once the potatoes are nice and oily, put them into the grill and let em char on one side before turning over to reveal the nice burnt lines down the sides. Remove from grill when satisfied and toss in a pinch of parsley to serve.

Peppered Grilled Asparagus

These guys are really nice when you put them to the grill. Cut off the muddy bits and give them a nice wash before you throw them into a tub of icy water. Wait 30 minutes and then put them diagonally to the grill so they won't fall through and give you that nice charring down the sides.

When they go soft, that's what you remove em. Toss with ground pepper and salt to taste.


The ride home today was long, and as I drift in and out of slumber, the fleeting moments that I was awake reminded me of a night long ago.

I was seated right behind the driver as well, and on the same bus service. The day had been long and the nights torturously slow thus far.

The streets have changed, but the sentiments are all too familiar. As the thoughts flow refreshed through my head I recall what I have been told.

I am yesterday's better, and I intend to make use of that strength. . BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


And it begins, my crusade to char everything charrable. The selection was quick, like a lion spotting the choice meat - so many and yet instinctively my sights settled in the one grill pan most suited for my kitchen.

It was heavy, die cast induction base to make sure the heat got around perfectly. The characteristic red dot, though over-marketed, gave me the trust that it will serve me as well as the sauteing pan I have back home.

Countless pastas, and now I can grill.