Badminton Strategies: an overview

It's time to play the game! Whahahahaa

Anyone who watches any sports will know that it takes both brain and brawn to play a winning game.

With the brain, you conceive the moves and power plays to disorientate and trick your opponent. With the brawn, you carry out those moves easier.

That said, each athlete is a different person, and so varying moves will cause different levels of effect - Ken's good at kicks, Ryu's good at punches.

While it might not always work out, it's always good to go into a game with a set of game plans, something you can turn on and off according to how your opponent's playing.

Remember, you're not the only one with brains. You just need to be the one who uses it more.

Strategies, as I have said, are the overall game plan that aim to have a physical and mental effect on the opponent.

In the game of badminton, you're often left with very little time to make decisions, so having these at the back of your head helps when you need to come up with something to counter whatever your opponents throw at you.

I've divided my set of strategies into Basic, Defensive, and Offensive ones.

Basic strategies tend to be in effect throughout the game, and they are based on the most basic principles of the sport. Use them always.

Defensive strategies are used to play a slower game and force your opponents into an error. Use when you find yourself out-paced or in need of recovering some energy.

Offensive strategies use more energy than the rest, and you'll also need a lot more concentration to carry them out. But they're also the fastest way to get points.

One thing in common with all of them though - they're used to establish dominance in a specific area of gameplay. Once that's set, your opponent will be more careful in those areas, making them more prone to mistakes and also limiting their choice of shots.

Next up, general strategies. Keep posted.


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