Badminton Racket First Impressions: Prince Black Pearl XP

Coming off the Voltric 60, I've developed a very high standard for control-rackets. Unlike the powerhouses like the Voltric 80, I've grown to love the slightly lighter and in exchange more nimble rackets.

The Prince Black Pearl XP was purchased because of its very sleek chrome finish and its oval shaped head. I've had a lot of isometric and optimetric rackets lately and it's fresh to see one traditional-shaped for a change.

I brought the racket along when I took the VT80 out for its first run, and I must say it's a bad way to start it off. The Black Pearl was soon placed back into the bag since the VT80 was so addictive a racket.

So I gave the racket a shot today with a 2-hour singles session, and I have good things to say.

The XP in the name means extra power, but sadly I own a VT80 and there's very little rackets out there that can compete with that one on power. So not surprised that the Black Pearl didn't meet expectations on the smashing power department.

But I'm more of a control player, and that's where the Prince racket shone!

My buddy who played with me that day said something that gave the rackets extra points - headless chicken.

Will do more rounds with the racket and give a full review soon.


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